A female scientist in a lab coat examining a specimen under a microscope

Grants, Sponsorships & Funding Opportunities

We are dedicated to supporting the pioneering efforts of clinicians and scientists, innovative research, and continuing education for healthcare professionals.

Research & continuing education external funding

Investigator-initiated research (IIR) funding

Investigator-initiated research (IIR) is research in which an Investigator and their institution have complete control over their protocol, own the data, and the institution acts as the sponsor of the study. Investigators and institutions can submit their protocol for Vantive's review and consideration for funding and/or product support.

Independent medical education (IME) funding

Independent medical education (IME) funding provides continuing education to healthcare professionals. Fundings are for education activities to further expand or provide updates in a particular area. These may include symposia, workshops, or congresses. The activities could be accredited or non-accredited. These fundings are not for individual scholarships, rather for a training session that is supported by a healthcare organization.

Publication grants (PG) funding

Publication grant funding provides support for publisher-associated fees (open-access fees, page charges, other fees assigned by the publisher, etc.). These grants are available for research projects completed without previous Vantive support or funding and have been accepted for publication. Proof of submission and acceptance by the publisher are required. These grants are funded as reimbursements to the healthcare organization or institution.

Things you should know

Vantive's acceptance of your proposal for review is not an indication that Vantive will fund your research. By submitting your materials to Vantive for review, you understand that Vantive will not treat the information as confidential or proprietary and Vantive has no obligation to keep it confidential.


Please do not consider any request approved until you have received written documentation from Vantive notifying you of the application approval. Although you may receive notification that the application has been approved, actual receipt of funding is contingent upon timely execution of the external funding agreement by both parties. Submission of application(s) is deemed acceptance of these provisions.

Helpful resources

If you have any questions about our IME and IIR external fundings, please email [email protected].

OUS statement

OUS statement template

IIR funding information and application deadlines: acute therapies

Independent medical education
  1. Acute kidney Injury: disease, diagnosis, and management
  2. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT): prescription and practices
  3. CRRT in the management of specific AKI scenarios (e.g., fluid overload, hemodynamic instability, CSA-AKI, post-operative AKI, multiple organ dysfunction)
  4. Regional citrate anticoagulation for CRRT
  5. CRRT quality improvement programs and therapy adoption
  6. Application and outcome of blood purification in different patient populations
  7. Biological, physiological, and clinical effects of blood purification technology
  8. Role of blood purification in cardiac surgery
  9. Utilization of different biomarkers to guide and monitor blood purification. 
  10. Application of ECCO2R different forms of lung failure, including mild to moderate ARDS
  11. Safety and efficacy of ECCO2R
  12. Impact of different technologies on outcome of ECCO2R
  13. Variables for patient stratification of ECCO2R
  14. ECCO2R quality improvement
Investigator-initiated research


  • Clinical and health economic impact of CRRT in specific AKI populations (major surgery, CSA-AKI, multiple organ dysfunction)
  • Patient outcome studies of CRRT use in specific scenarios:
    • Control of fluid overload
    • AKI patients with hemodynamic instability
    • AKI patients with a high risk of osmolar/electrolyte shifts
  • Fluid and/or hemodynamic management during CRRT
  • Clinical impact of prolonging filter life and associated patient outcomes
    • Safety and efficacy of RCA protocols during CRRT with PrisMax
  • Digital Health
    • Predictive, digital tools and CDS to guide CRRT workflow (from initiation to weaning)
    • Clinical and health economic impact of CRRT digital dashboards and quality indicators

Blood purification

  • Comparative and single-arm studies on clinical outcomes of blood purification with Oxiris
  • Studies of the biological, physiological, and clinical effects of Oxiris
  • Preliminary studies on the role of biological markers for timing and stratification of Oxiris treatment
  • Studies connecting endotoxin activity assay (EAA) to blood purification with Oxiris
  • Single-arm and comparative studies on Oxiris in use with ECLS procedures or cardiopulmonary bypass to potentially mitigate the detrimental effects by hyper-inflammatory reactions
  • Studies to evaluate the economic cost/benefit aspects of blood purification
  1. ECCO2R/ PrismaLung+
    • Comparative and single-arm studies on the safety, efficacy, and clinical outcomes of ECCO2R to enable protective ventilation in patients with mild to moderate ARDS and other forms of lung failure
    • Single-arm and comparative studies to assess short and long-term outcomes of ECCO2R in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD
    • Studies on stratification of patient populations who have the best potential to benefit from ECCO2R (development of predictive variables for ECCO2R)
    • Studies on heparin anticoagulation and its optimization during ECCO2R treatment
    • Impact of catheter characteristics on circuit performance
    • Research on development of quality indicators for ECCO2R treatment
    • Preliminary studies on ECCO2R use and its potential impact on pulmonary/renal crosstalk and inflammatory pathways
  2. Biomarker for OST
  3. Based on the variance of phenotypes in complex syndromes such as sepsis, studies investigating the role of biological markers for stratification of patient populations undergoing blood purification
  4. Preliminary studies identifying biological markers to predict outcomes of blood purification
  5. Research on biological or other variables for stratification, monitoring and predicting outcomes with ECCO2R
  6. Impact of racial disparities in AKI, sepsis, ARDS, and other syndromes on ICU treatment and outcomes.

IIR funding information and application deadlines: chronic renal therapies

Independent medical education
  1. Improving outcomes in PD therapy — focus on modality education, optimal start, PD catheter insertion and/or PD prescribing, inclusive of best practices around implementation into clinical workflow


  2. Personalizing HD therapy — focus on innovative dialysis membranes, patient reported outcomes and/or long-term cardiovascular risk, inclusive of best practices around implementation into clinical workflow
Investigator-initiated research
  1. Augment the knowledge on Vantive PD therapy by supporting high-quality clinical and health-economic research on
    • Access to PD therapy, inclusive of solutions to barriers to access and drivers of therapy selection/uptake
    • The utility of digital health technologies in delivering effective PD therapy, inclusive of remote patient monitoring and related clinical workflows

      Clinical outcomes in PD patients, particularly on evidence regarding healthcare resource utilization and time on therapy


  2. Increase the depth of evidence relating to HDx therapy by supporting high-quality clinical and health-economic research by
    • Examining outcomes in large real world data sets
    • Studies focused directly on pathophysiological mechanisms leading to the benefits of HDx therapy


  3. Achieve high-quality communications on the clinical value of Baxter Renal Care therapies through congress abstracts and articles in peer-reviewed journals.


  4. Understanding CKD progression and management as a means to optimize therapy selection and onboarding.